In order to effectively use land, promote social and economic development, the deputies of the Sokal City Council made a decision to approve the land management project regarding the allocation of a plot of land for fishery needs (KVCSPZ 10.07), with an area of 13.1000 hectares, located in the village of Komariv, the “Stava” tract , Chervonograd District, Lviv Region, under cadastral number: 4624881100:14:015:0016, for the purpose of leasing.
Leasing is carried out exclusively at land auctions in the form of an electronic auction in accordance with Art. 134-139 of the Land Code of Ukraine. All actions for the transfer of land for rent are prescribed in this decision.
In addition, a draft contract for the lease of land in a complex with a water facility located on it was also approved, which, among other things, defines the duties of the tenant, namely:
– comply with the established sanitary and other requirements for arranging the leased territory;
– maintain coastal protective strips, diversion strips, water management structures and technical devices in proper condition, comply with the requirements for limiting economic activity in coastal protective strips around the leased reservoir;
– inform the population of the conditions of general water use, as well as the established restrictions of general water use on the water object provided for rent;
– provide places for free provision of citizens’ right to public water use (swimming, watering livestock, recreational and sports fishing);
– carry out technological, forest improvement, agrotechnical, hydrotechnical, sanitary and other measures agreed upon in the prescribed manner;
– carry out special water use only with a permit;
to comply with the Rules for the protection of human life on water bodies of Ukraine;
– allow state inspectors of the central executive body, which implements the state policy of state supervision (control) in the field of environmental protection, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources, as well as public environmental protection inspectors, to enter their facilities without hindrance, who carry out verification of compliance with the requirements of water legislation, and provide them with the necessary information free of charge;
– prevent violation of the rights granted to other water users, as well as damage to economic objects and objects of the natural environment;
– apply fish breeding technologies that do not lead to pollution of surface waters;
– timely pay fees for special water use and other fees in accordance with legislation;
– to produce at own expense the technical documentation from the normative monetary assessment in case of the expiration of the previous one and in other cases provided by the legislation;
– timely inform the central body of executive power implementing state policy on state supervision (control) in the field of environmental protection, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources, the central body of executive power implementing state policy in the field of sanitary and epidemic welfare the population, local state administrations and local self-government bodies about the occurrence of emergency pollution;
– carry out urgent work related to the elimination of the consequences of accidents that may cause deterioration of water quality, and provide the necessary technical means for the elimination of accidents at the facilities of other water users in the manner established by legislation;
– carry out reproduction (stocking) works on a water body with the approval of the fish protection body and in the presence of fish protection representatives;
– to comply with the norms of aquaculture zones (fish farming) and zonal fish productivity in the regions of Ukraine;
– prevent the deterioration of the ecological state of the habitat of biodiversity as a result of one’s own activities, apply environmental protection technologies during the implementation of production processes;
– carry out measures to protect the lands of the water fund from erosion, flooding, pollution by production waste, chemical and radioactive substances and from other processes of destruction;
– comply with other requirements of the Water Code of Ukraine, the Land Code of Ukraine, the Tax Code of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine “On Land Lease”, “On Animal World”, “On Aquaculture”.
Anyone can take part in electronic auctions for the transfer of land for rent.
This auction will be held on the electronic platform Prozoro through the operator of the electronic platform: e-somgiz.com. The date and time of the auction will be published on the website of the Sokal City Council.
We emphasize that the preparation of the lot for conducting land auctions in the form of an electronic auction complies with the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.