The Department for Children’s Affairs of the Lviv City Council informs about the algorithm of actions for the need to confirm the fact that the father raises the child independently.
“First of all, we would like to inform you that the Department of Children’s Affairs does not issue such certificates, as it is not provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.
However, this fact can be confirmed by the following documents:
- death certificates of the mother;
- court decision to deprive the mother of parental rights;
- court decision declaring the mother incompetent;
- court decision declaring missing, etc.
Therefore, in the presence of one of these documents, no additional information is required, “said the board of the” Service for Children “of the city hall.
At the same time, the administration emphasizes that in order to cross the border safely, the child should be explained the rules of conduct in different situations.
“Be sure to inform the children about the rules of the road, if possible, provide each child with copies of documents and information about people who can be contacted in any case (name and surname of parents, their contact phone numbers, etc.). ). This is necessary so that if a child gets lost or lags behind in the crowd, he has information about himself and his parents, so that they can be easily and quickly contacted, “- experts advise.