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Honoring the Memory of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes in Lviv

Silent Action “Angels of Memory” in Lviv: Honoring the Heavenly Hundred Heroes

Today, February 20, on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes in Lviv, at the Memorial to the Heavenly Hundred Heroes, the traditional silent action “Angels of Memory” took place. Acting Managing Director of the Lviv Regional Council Yaroslav Hasiak participated in the event.

Beginning of the Commemoration

The commemoration of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes began with a nationwide moment of silence, a ceremony of raising the State Flag of Ukraine, and a joint prayer.

Symbolic Angels

In memory of the Maidan activists, attendees hung paper angels that symbolize the souls of the fallen freedom fighters. The paper cutouts in the form of angels were made by children from the Heroes’ families, school students, and representatives of public organizations.

“Today, we once again thank the Heavenly Hundred Heroes. We remember their sacrifice. But memory is not words, memory is action. Therefore, we must act in such a way as not to disgrace the memory of our Heroes. Glory to Ukraine,” said Adriana Dygdalovich, the daughter of Heavenly Hundred Hero Andriy Dygdalovich.

The annual silent action “Angels of Memory” was initiated in memory of the shooting of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes on February 18-20, 2014, on Instytutska Street in Kyiv.

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