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An eco-educational route was presented in the nature reserve in Yavoriv Oblast

20 km from Lviv, visitors can see a unique ancient beech forest, practically unchanged by human activity.

The visit can only be made by prior arrangement, accompanied by scientists from the Roztochchia nature reserve.

The ancient beech forests of the “Roztochchya” nature reserve are a national treasure of Ukraine. It is about more than 380 hectares of natural forest aged 160-200 years. This territory is also included in the UNESCO world heritage, as one of the massifs “Primitive beech forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe”. Any human intervention in natural processes is strictly prohibited here.

“Staying in nature calms the human nervous system and charges with positive energy. Nowadays, these are extremely important factors. In the near future, I will definitely visit the new offer from the “Rostochchia” nature reserve. In autumn, the beech forests impress with their colors, it is a real antidepressant, and the clean air will fully saturate the lungs with oxygen,” says Natalya Tabaka, head of tourism and resorts of Lviv OVA.

The route was created within the framework of the NGO project “Danube-Carpathian Program” in cooperation with the nature reserve “Rostochchia” with the support of the International Renaissance Fund and the European Union within the EU4USociety.

As you know, all nature reserves of Ukraine are closed to tourism in accordance with the legislation, only eco-educational activities are allowed here. Such restrictions are dictated by the need to preserve these territories. However, the public often does not have enough understanding of the value of such territories, which creates a certain tension in local communities.

“Social tension can be reduced if such areas are partially opened (very carefully and controlled) to the public. This can be done in accordance with the requirements of the law – after all, according to the law, eco-educational activities are allowed to be held even in such valuable territories. In this way, visitors have the opportunity to see and learn more about the value and uniqueness of such a territory, and on the other hand, the impact of visitors will be reduced to a minimum,” says Halyna Stryamets, deputy director for scientific work of the “Roztochchia” PZ.

You can schedule a visit to the eco-educational route “Ancient Beech Forests of Roztochka” by phone: 067 353 38 13.

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