This year, the festival events will go beyond the city and region and take over several regions: Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Sumy.
August 15: (Lviv, 1 Profesorska St., Reading Hall of the Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic University)
16.00 Sofia Legin’s story “Olexander Pezhanskyi and UPHOTO”
17.00 Presentation of the postcard for the anniversary of Oleksandr Pezhanskyi
17.15 Opening of the photo exhibition: “How are you there?”/ #howareyouua (Sumi). The authors of the exhibition are the “Friends of Daguerre” photo society and partners. The photo collection is collected within Hataton 3.0 NFT Edition by House of Europe, 2022
17.30 Oksana Sereda’s story “Galician women in the spotlight”
August 16: Lviv, str. Profesorska, 1. Reading room of the Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic University:
4:00 p.m. Lecture by Ihor Harmash “Photo and cinema: arts destined to be next to each other.”
17:00 Presentation of the “Live Cinema in Lviv” project. Watching a movie from film in retro style. Oleksandr Mandryk, Ihor Garmash, Ihor Tkachyk
August 17: Lviv, str. Profesorska, 1. Reading room of the Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic University:
16.00 Lecture by Ulyana Mandrusiak (Kolomia) “Alexander Kibler. The light and shadows of the court photographer”.
17.00 Natalka Filevych’s lecture “Cliché-verre in the work of Bruno Schulz”.
18.00 Mykola Protsiv’s lecture “Saved Photo History”. (Berezhany)
August 18: Lviv, str. Profesorska, 1. Reading room of the Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic University:
16.00 Oleksandr Harvat’s lecture “Catch a flash of light. The history of photography before photography.” (Rivne)
17.00 Lecture by Andrii Sova “Secrets of Stepan Haiduchka’s Photo Archive”
18.00 Lecture by Ihor Tkachyk “Amateur film technique. Genesis, development and decline”
August 19:
In the city of Kolomyia in Students’ Square:
11.00 Opening of the photo exhibition within the framework of the Lviv Photo Festivals “Alexander Kibler. Light and shadows of the court photographer” in the city of Kolomyia in Students’ Square.
In Berezhany: in the exhibition hall of the Berezhany Museum of Local History
15.00 Opening of the photo exhibition “Old photos from the funds of the Berezhny Museum of Local History”
15.30 Volodymyr Paratsia’s lecture “Local history photos as an information resource: from the experience of the Podil Tourist and Local History Society (1925 – 1939)”.
16.15 Mykola Protsiv’s lecture “Saved photo history”.
In Lviv (the city of Lviv, Profesorska St., 1. Reading room of the Scientific and Technical Library of the Lviv Polytechnic University):
16.00 “Field photo laboratory of the Second World War. The story of one exhibit” – a story by Dmytro Maslov (Rivne).
17.00 Oleksandr Kitsera’s lecture “Life of Yury Lypa in pictures”
18.00 Lecture by Olga Lidovska “Jewish photographers of Lviv”
In Sumy (Sumy. Artdvoryk, Voskresenska Street, 6.):
12:00 Photo Society “Friends of Daguerre”. Opening of the “Echo Museum” photo exhibition.
12:30 Lecture by Andrii Mozgovoi “Photographers of Sumy at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century.”
17:00 Serhii Hutsan, presentation “Family photos of the Grigoriev family”
August 20:
In connection with the Russian-Ukrainian war, this year the organizers initiated a photo-drying exhibition-sale, where every photographer can bring his photos and put them up for sale. All collected money will be transferred to the needs of the Armed Forces.
12.00 “Photo drying at the Armed Forces of Ukraine” – exhibition and sale of photos of all willing luminaries with the transfer of all collected funds to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Lviv, the square opposite the academic and technical library of NU “Lviv Polytechnic”, 1 Profesorska Street)
13.00 Roman Metelskyi’s curatorial tour of the Lviv Photo Museum (Lviv, 1 Profesorska St.)
16.00 Roman Metelskyi’s curatorial tour of the Lviv Photo Museum (Lviv, 1 Profesorska St.)
Organizers: Lviv Photo Museum, NGO “Photographs of Old Lviv”, Ukrainian Photographic Society