Since the beginning of the war, the Lviv Voskresinnia Theater has been fulfilling its humanitarian mission, but since April it has been returning to its artistic activity. Lviv has now become a haven for many people, so theatergoers are happy to invite everyone to their performances.
Neil LaBouth’s play The Image of Things
Adam is a young student at the University of Midwestern. To somehow improve his financial situation, he is hired as a security guard at the local art museum. Here he meets a student Evelyn, who is simply obsessed with art, freedom and sex. Young people spend a lot of time together, and the girl dramatically changes Adam’s life. The guy is convinced that the girl deprives him of many complexes, which makes him a completely different person, able to enjoy his life. However, his best friends are hostile to her and believe that the girl is ruining his life.
In the play, the author touches on many controversial topics and issues related to life, art, things, people, images, objects.
In “Resurrection” the play will be shown on April 3 at 18.00.
Luigi Pirandello’s comedy “Balagan Honesty” (“The Pleasure of Honesty”)
At the heart of the comedy’s plot is a scam with a sham marriage. According to the plot, the Marquis Fabio wants to fictitiously marry his pregnant mistress Agatha to keep his good name. They find Baldovino in the role of a fictitious man, but he decides to be honest…
The performance will take place on April 10 at 18.00.
Choral parable of Karol Wojtyla “Job”
Extremely relevant play in today’s conditions. The question of faith is an eternal question that worries humanity, because we cannot understand, in the words of Jan Twardowski, that “small and great calamities necessary for happiness fall from heaven,” that God will never leave us, because “when God closes the door, then opens the window. The postmodern aesthetics of the play and chorales written by Myron Datsk create a unique atmosphere that awaits in the Voskresinnia Theater.
The play will be on view on April 17 at 6 p.m.
“Dance of Life” based on plays by Oleksandr Oles
The play includes four one-act plays: “Dance of Life”, “According to Mueller”, “Youth” and “Patriot”. Here is the love of young people, and pseudo-patriotism, and careerism, and family tragedies.
In the pursuit of happiness, people do not see each other. Especially in the one-act play “Dance of Life” on the basis of one family, Alexander Oles builds the laws of state building. This material is extremely relevant for young people, especially for students, because the play is multi-genre, which combines comedy, drama, tragedy, vaudeville.
The play will be shown at the Lviv Theater on April 30 at 6 p.m.
Tickets for all performances – at the link: www.ticketclub.com.ua