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A warrior who survived the Battle of Grady gave an inspiring lecture at the Memorial to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

Today, three dozen people came to the Memorial to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred to listen to the Lecture on Independence by Yurk Vovkogon, cultural manager, author of art projects. The lecturer focused the attention of those present on the search for what today can strengthen Ukrainians in their thoughts about tomorrow.

“The very principle that Independence appears only when you fight for it is important to me. Because only those who value Dignity can strive for Independence. After the Revolution of Dignity, when we showed our desire for a free life, we were attacked by slaves, for whom our will will be a daily proof of their cowardice.

Now the war has become a catalyst for the transformation of the crowd into meaningful unity. Now we have an express mode of nation-building based on common memory (common losses), common work (common work for victory) and common values (common culture),” Yurko Vovkogon said.

At the same time, the lecturer explained that Ukrainians are still divided by teenage emotionality, when we have inflated expectations. “We want the ideal to come here and now, without making any effort, without doing boring work. And as a result, we get deep disappointment that it turned out not as good as we would like. Then comes the devaluation of all labor and mutual accusations. This is our story. The story of all those who wanted Independence and let it slip away. The struggle for Independence gives us the opportunity to create a new culture.

To be yourself is to be constantly aware. This is a constant rethinking of oneself. Comparison with those who were before you, those who are against you, those for whom you are. The same with Independence. Independence is not a day of the year, not an achievement to be proud of in front of others. This is a state of unconsciousness and constant rethinking,” concluded Yurko Vovkogon.


Yurko Vovkogon worked as a cultural manager of several iconic Ukrainian art projects and festivals, from art biennials and jazz festivals to opera. Project manager of the youth organization YMCA Lviv. In 2014-2015, he fought in the Voluntary Ukrainian Corps, from March 2022 to August 2023 he served in the Armed Forces. On June 30, 2022, he was seriously wounded while defending Lysychansk.

This lecture is the third Independence Lecture launched by the Institute of Cultural Strategy.

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