Bridget Brink, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to Ukraine, came to Lviv for the first time to testify the support of Ukrainian cities in the field of energy security from the United States of America.
Thus, as part of the Energy Security Project implemented in Ukraine by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Lvivteploenergo received a JCB 3СХ Sitemasler excavator, which is already performing emergency work on the city’s heat networks. In addition, within the framework of the program, Ukrainian cities are promised to transfer mobile boilers on solid fuel, diesel generators, steel pipes and connecting elements to them, valves and other spare parts, which will make it possible to eliminate emergency situations on heat networks as quickly as possible.
“To help the Ukrainian people survive this difficult winter, the United States is providing support to Ukraine to stabilize and repair electricity, heat, and gas networks across the country,” said US Ambassador Bridget Brink.
“Just last week, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced a new commitment of $53 million for power equipment.
This is a continuation of the already provided assistance in the form of more than 1,000 electric generators for communities, TKE and medical institutions in 21 regions throughout Ukraine. Our support also includes heavy equipment, including 30 excavators that USAID recently delivered to 24 cities to help quickly repair damaged heat networks and restore heat and hot water,” said Bridget Brink, US Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Ukraine.
“For general understanding, more than 100 km of pipes in the water and heat supply system are damaged in the territories controlled by Ukraine. About 600 heat supply facilities were damaged. In total, we have already restored 60, including at the expense of USAID assistance.
But we have a task not just to restore, but to make our infrastructure better, more energy efficient.
We thank the US government for the help and, what is important, for the speed with which it is provided, so that we can get through this heating season with quality and safety,” emphasized Vasyl Lozynskyi, Acting President. Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.
“The task of the city is to ensure the functioning of the infrastructure of water supply, heat supply, implementation of alternative options for their operation. Thanks to a large aid package from the US government, we have already received real aid that is already working in Lviv. For security reasons, we do not announce specific locations, but the donated equipment is already helping to install solid fuel boilers so that our medical facilities can operate under various event scenarios.
We are grateful to the US government, the US Embassy in Ukraine, and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) for their invaluable assistance to Ukraine in these difficult times. We hope that our cooperation will actively expand to other areas as well,” emphasized Andriy Moskalenko, the first deputy mayor of Lviv.