“Lvivavtodor” LKP tells what was done in 2022 within the framework of the first stage of the operation of the “LeoKart” electronic ticket. This stage started on January 13 last year and was called “Beneficiary Education”
It should be emphasized that due to the introduction of martial law, the contracting organizations that worked on the introduction of e-tickets in Lviv, in particular “Mikroelektronika” and “SoftServe”, announced the onset of force majeure and suspended their work. Despite these circumstances, the team of LKP “Lvivavtodor” continued its work on the implementation of the project.
Briefly about what the team managed to do within the framework of the 1st stage of the implementation of ASOP (automated fare payment system):
- At the 1st stage, the mass issuance of “LeoKart” transport cards to privileged categories of the population of the Lviv community began. To date, more than 162,000 such cards have been issued. In particular, almost 26,000 students received their LeoCards centrally through the school.
- Employees of the control department taught 90,000 passengers of preferential categories to use the cards. Controllers also inspect ASOP equipment in public transport. If defects are detected, the information is passed on to the company’s engineers, and the specialists quickly eliminate the defects. They also teach drivers how to use the ASOP system.
- Card owners actively use them. Thus, by the end of 2022, more than 1.2 million validations were recorded in public transport.
- All vehicles provided by carriers are equipped with the ASOP system.
- A special workshop has been created for the repair and maintenance of on-board equipment.
As part of the preparation for the II stage of e-ticket operation, a mechanism for the implementation of general transport “LeoCards” has been worked out and the format of the network of retail sales of cards has been determined. A number of contracts have already been concluded for the installation of TVM vending machines for the sale of tourist cards and the replenishment of general transport cards. - Another extremely important segment of work for the project is the configuration of the cloud storage of the ASOP system. In May 2022, the contracting company that performed the relevant work left “in English” without handing over access passwords and work documentation to the customer.
Therefore, the e-ticket team prepared a new technical task for the tender for services for the administration and configuration of the cloud environment of the ASOP system, and the procurement procedure was announced in November 2022.
It is interesting that among the tender participants was a company whose head is the founder of the previous unscrupulous contractor company. Due to a number of comments, the offers of all participating companies were rejected and the procurement procedure was closed on January 5 of this year. The e-ticket team is currently making adjustments to the terms of reference for the public procurement and will re-announce the tender to continue work and launch the e-ticket for all public transport passengers.
“At the II stage, it will be possible to pay for travel not only with LeoKart cards, but also with the help of bank cards, mobile devices with ApplePay and GooglePay support. The machines for selling tourist cards through TVM will start working. Owners of general “LeoCards” will be able to transfer within 40 minutes. Transport cards can be topped up through the web portal. Passengers will also be able to buy long-term travel passes,” Lvivavtodor LKP said.