Кримінальні події

A 32-year-old resident of Kamianka-Buzka will be tried for the brutal killing of a homeless dog

Жорстоке вбивство безпритульної собаки у м. Кам’янка-Бузька – місцевому мешканцю повідомлено про підозру

Under the procedural leadership of the Zhovkiv district prosecutor’s office, a 32-year-old man was notified of suspicion of cruelty to animals (Part 1 of Article 299 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, the suspect killed a stray dog on one of the streets of Kamianka-Buzka in August of this year.

The man struck the animal numerous times with a broken glass bottle, and then strangled it with his hands.

Investigations are ongoing.

Pretrial investigation in criminal proceedings is carried out by investigators of the Lviv District Police Department No. 1 of the Main Department of the National Police in the Lviv Region.

Note: in accordance with Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered innocent of committing a crime and cannot be subjected to criminal punishment until his guilt is proven in a legal manner and established by a court verdict.

Department of Information Policy

Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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