Three attempts at smuggling goods were prevented by border guards and customs officers at the Shehyni checkpoint yesterday.
A native of Ternopil region was travelling to Ukraine in a minibus Mercedes. The 27-year-old driver chose the “red corridor” lane for the control.
Based on the analysis and risk assessment, the vehicle was sent for additional inspection. During a joint inspection with operational officers, border guards found 15 APPLE gadgets in the luggage compartment: phones, a laptop and a watch.
Two more drivers of Mercedes were stopped at the same checkpoint. During the inspection, the inspection team found the goods being transported concealed. In the luggage compartment of the minibuses, the residents of Ternopil region tried to import more than 4.3 thousand nicotine pads into Ukraine.
Customs officers drew up reports on these facts. The undeclared goods were seized according to the established procedure.