Кримінальні події

Two residents of Mykolaiv and Donetsk regions who tried to flee abroad with forged documents will be tried in Lviv Oblast

In total, since the beginning of the war, the police of the Lviv Oblast have opened 1,272 criminal proceedings on the facts of forgery and the use of forged documents to cross the state border of Ukraine in order to evade mobilization and military service.

As the investigators of the Yavoriv district police department established, a 31-year-old resident of the city of Mykolaiv forged a temporary certificate of a conscript and a certificate of a military medical commission, entering in them unreliable data regarding recognition as unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration. Later, while at the checkpoint “Krakivets”, the man presented known forged documents to the border guards in order to cross the state border.

It was also established that a 59-year-old resident of the Donetsk region, having forged official documents and entered in them inaccurate data regarding recognition as unfit for military service, which gives the right to travel abroad for the period of the legal regime of martial law, and presented them at the checkpoint ” Hrushiv”.

Investigators of the territorial division of the police, under the procedural guidance of the Yavoriv district prosecutor’s office, informed both perpetrators of the suspicion of criminal misdemeanors, provided for in part 1 and part 4 of article 358 (Forgery and use of a known forged document) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum punishment provided by the sanctions of the articles is restriction of freedom for a period of up to two years.

Pre-trial investigations have been completed, indictments have been sent to the court for consideration.

Since the beginning of the war, investigators and police investigators of the Lviv region have opened 1,272 criminal proceedings on the facts of forgery and the use of forged documents to cross the state border of Ukraine in order to evade mobilization and military service. In 441 proceedings, the pre-trial investigation has been completed, the indictments have been referred to the court.

We would like to remind you that the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 64/2022 dated 24.02.2022 introduced martial law in the country and started the mobilization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the establishment of restrictions on the departure of male citizens aged 18 to 60 outside of Ukraine.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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