Кримінальні події

The police arrested a man from Lviv on suspicion of murdering a homeless man

As the law enforcement officers established, the detainee shot the victim nine times with a Flaubert system revolver during a domestic conflict. For the crime committed, the perpetrator faces up to fifteen years of imprisonment.

On the morning of November 22, the operative line 102 received a message from a passerby who discovered the body of an unknown man wrapped in a blanket with signs of violent death on Lyubinska Street in Lviv.

The investigative and operative group and operatives of the criminal police of police department No. 1 of the Lviv district police department, operatives of the criminal investigation, as well as employees of other police services of the Lviv region were involved in solving the crime.

Through the conducted measures, the law enforcement officers established that on November 22, around two o’clock in the morning, a 26-year-old man from Lviv, having arrived at his father’s house, found a stranger in the apartment, with whom his father had been drinking alcoholic beverages. A conflict arose between the men, during which the owner’s son shot the “guest” nine times with a revolver of the Flaubert system, causing him fatal injuries. Convinced that the stranger had died, the man wrapped the body in a blanket, took it out of the house and left it on the street near the garages, where a passerby discovered it.

The police identified the deceased as a 60-year-old homeless man.

The perpetrator was detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, and soon the court will choose a preventive measure for him. The law enforcement officers seized the weapon from which the shots were fired and sent it for expert examination.

The issue of notifying the detainee, under the procedural guidance of the Frankiv District Prosecutor’s Office, of the suspicion of committing a crime under part 1 of Article 115 (Deliberate murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is being resolved. The sanction of the article provides for punishment – from seven to fifteen years of imprisonment.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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