Кримінальні події

Over 200 ready-to-distribute bookmarks from “PVP”: a drug dealer will be tried in Lviv

For the crime committed, the accused is liable to imprisonment for a term of up to twelve years with confiscation of property.

On September 11, around 5:00 p.m., in the city of Dublyany, Lviv district, police officers stopped a Volkswagen Passat B4 car driven by a 35-year-old resident of the Volyn region for violating traffic rules. During the document check, they found the driver in particularly large quantities of narcotic drugs, after which investigators were called to the scene.

The law enforcement officers detained the intruder and seized 209 tabs with the narcotic drug “PVP” with a total weight of more than 180 grams, which he was transporting for further sale.

Everything seized was sent to the Lviv Research Expert Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for expert research.

Investigators of Police Department No. 1 of the Lviv District Police Department No. 1, under the procedural guidance of the Galicia District Prosecutor’s Office, completed the pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings opened under part 3 of Article 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, forwarding or sale of narcotics means, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The indictment is referred to the court.

For the committed crime, the accused, who is in custody, faces a penalty of nine to twelve years of imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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