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Three-meter foam was found in the reclamation channel in Buska district – fish died

Інспекція досліджує факт забруднення меліоративного каналу

Employees of the State Environmental Inspection in the Lviv region, in the presence of a representative of the local self-government body, conducted an inspection on the territory of the Novoyarychiv territorial community in order to find out information about the pollution of the M-22 reclamation canal and the death of fish in it.

The fact of a possible violation of the requirements of the environmental protection legislation was reported to the Inspectorate by the head of FG “Ozero”.

During a visual inspection in the reclamation canal MK-22 near the reservoir of the FG “Ozero”, foam formation with approximate dimensions of 3.5m x 2.5m x 1.5m was found, and the death of fish was recorded at the entrance of the canal to the reservoir. The source of contamination was not identified during the survey.

Specialists of the department of instrumental and laboratory control took water samples for laboratory research.

The results will be reported to the State Inspectorate additionally.

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