Кримінальні події

In Lviv, a lawyer offered a bribe to a judge for divorcing his client and determining the residence of his minor child with his father

У Львові правоохоронці повідомили адвокату про підозру у зловживанні впливом

It has been established that a lawyer received USD 2,500 from a client for influencing a judge to divorce her client and determine the placement of his minor child with his father.

The offender was exposed by operatives of the SBU Office in Lviv region jointly with the Lviv Police Investigation Department, under the procedural supervision of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

On 24 September, law enforcement officers detained the offender in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine after she received the entire amount of the illegal benefit from the client.

The detainee was served a notice of suspicion of committing a criminal offence under Part 3 of Article 369-2 (Trading in Influence) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The article provides for imprisonment for a term of three to eight years with confiscation of property.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing, and the court will soon choose a measure of restraint against the suspect.

Communication department of the Lviv regional police

law enforcement officers serve lawyer with notice of suspicion of influence peddling in Lviv

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