An illegal attempt to cross the border through bribery was detected by the border guards at the checkpoint “Krakivets” in the Lviv region.
A 20-year-old man and his mother were traveling to Poland. As a basis for crossing the border during the legal regime of martial law, in addition to passports, residents of the Sumy region provided a 43-year-old woman with a disability certificate of the III group.
After explaining the requirements of the legislation regarding the procedure for escorting persons with disabilities across the state border, the man was refused crossing the border.
In order to cross the border without hindrance, his mother tried to bribe the inspector. The border guard of the Lviv detachment responded with a refusal to the bribe offer in the amount of 4,000 US dollars.
According to this fact, the employees of the State Border Service of the State Border Service informed the employees of the National Police.
Liability for this offense is provided for in Art. 369 of the Criminal Code “Offer, promise or provision of an unlawful benefit to an official.”
Based on this fact, the border guards informed the employees of the National Police.