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Exposing a Fake Marriage at the Ukrainian Border: Kyiv Residents Planned to Cross into Poland

Border service employees of the 7th Carpathian Detachment discovered an anomaly in the actions of a couple who turned out to be a fictitious marriage at the border between Ukraine and Poland. This incident occurred at the ‘Rava-Ruska’ checkpoint, where a 26-year-old man from Kyiv and a 42-year-old woman with a disability, also from the capital, attempted to illegally enter Poland.

According to their statements, the purpose of the trip was to visit the man’s friend in Poland, but it later turned out that such a friend does not exist. The woman confessed that they had promised a reward of 2000 US dollars for assisting in smuggling the man.

The conversation with the couple revealed numerous inconsistencies, particularly in their stated address of residence. As a result of the discussion, the border guards established that operational information indicates intentions for illegal smuggling across the state border, which served as grounds for notifying the police and further criminal prosecution in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.

This case serves as a serious reminder that all attempts at illegal border crossings lead to legal consequences and possible punishment.

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