During the month, border guards of the 7th Border Guard Detachment of the Carpathian Mountains recorded 15 attempts to give illegal benefits.
In August, border guards of the 7th Carpathian Border Guard Detachment prevented 15 attempts to give an unlawful benefit worth almost UAH 60,000. Bribery attempts were made by persons of military age who, in order to avoid military service during mobilisation, tried to illegally leave the territory of Ukraine, including using forged documents. Also, travellers who did not provide the necessary documents to cross the border.
In all cases, border guards reported the offenders to the competent authorities. The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has zero tolerance for corruption.
“Offering, promising or giving an unlawful benefit to an official, as well as accepting such a promise, offer or receiving an unlawful benefit by an official is an offence for which the law provides for criminal liability,” says Valentyna Skred, head of the Corruption Prevention and Detection Group of the 7th Carpathian Border Guard Detachment.