In general, the January plan was exceeded by 24% in the region
68 communities of the Lviv region ensured the fulfillment of planned tasks for the receipt of taxes to the general fund of the budget. 5 communities did not meet the planned indicators: Velikomostivska, Morshinska, Zabolottsivska, Chervonogradska, and Belzka.
As Oleg Demkiv, director of the finance department of the Lviv OVA, pointed out, last year 29 communities did not fulfill the revenue plan for January, and revenue growth is recorded in most communities of the region.
“From the point of view of budgeting, the first month of the year is not very indicative. We evaluate the implementation of planned tasks for the receipt of taxes to the general fund of the budget for the territories of Lviv Oblast (recall that, in general, the January plan was exceeded by 24% in the region).
Only 5 territorial communities of the region did not ensure the implementation of the plan. But for comparison – last year, 29 TGs did not fulfill the January plan.
Compared to January 2022, we have an increase in income in all communities, with the exception of Zabolottsivska, Pidberiztsivska, Medenytska, Dobromylska, Morshynska, Peremyshlyanska, Pidkaminska, and Starosambir.
We also remind you that the budget of the Rava-Ruska community has not yet been approved,” Oleg Demkiv said.