UAH 20 million have been earmarked for the implementation of this direction of the program in the regional budget for 2023.
By order of the head of the Lviv OVA dated February 28, 2023. No. 98/0/5-23BA made changes to the Comprehensive Program for Increasing Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving and Development of Renewable Energy in the Lviv Region for 2021-2025.
The changes provide for mechanisms for implementing measures to increase energy efficiency at facilities owned by territorial communities, namely: reconstruction of external and internal heating networks, installation of individual heating points, construction, reconstruction and overhaul of boiler houses with the transition to alternative types of fuel.
UAH 20 million have been earmarked for the implementation of this direction of the program in the regional budget for 2023.
The projects will be implemented at the expense of the regional budget with co-financing from local budgets. Depending on the index of the financial capacity of territorial communities of the region, calculated as of January 1, 2023, the amount of co-financing will vary from 20 to 80% of the remaining estimated cost of the projects. At the same time, the amount of funds from the regional budget for the implementation of one project is no more than UAH 1.5 million.
A territorial community can submit no more than one project for co-financing. Territorial communities whose financial capacity index is less than 1.0 have the right to participate in the implementation of the Program’s activities.
As emphasized in the Department of Fuel and Energy Complex, Energy Efficiency and Housing and Communal Economy of Lviv Oblast, the implementation of measures to increase energy efficiency, including the implementation of projects for the reconstruction of external and internal heat networks, the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of boiler houses with the transition to alternative types of fuel on facilities that are owned by territorial communities, will ensure the saving of energy resources and replacement of natural gas.