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Who is offered the highest salary in the Lviv Region?

The analysis of the vacancy database of the Lviv Regional Center for Labor and Welfare showed that the highest reward in the Lviv region is offered to the driver of motor vehicles in Pustomyty – UAH 50,000. The applicant will be engaged in international cargo transportation by RENO, SCANIA cars, will monitor loading/unloading, and will take care of the truck’s technical condition.

5,000 UAH less, i.e. 45,000 UAH, will be received by the driver of an automobile crane in Mostysk. It is about work on ZIL 133G, with a carrying capacity of 3.8-10 tons. The candidate is required to have a crane driver’s license with the appropriate categories, a military ticket, readiness for business trips and irregular working hours.

They are willing to pay a salary of UAH 40,000 to an agronomist-researcher in Radekhov for the analysis and survey of agricultural land of the farm, the development of a technical map of crops, conducting field and laboratory research, etc. Fluency in English is a mandatory requirement.

Several applicants can count on UAH 30,000, in particular, a machinist installing self-adhesive films, a sales manager (manager) and an electrician repairing electrical equipment (work in Pustomyty), a transport engineer (Radekhiv), a motor vehicle driver (Kamyanka- Buzka), motor grader driver (Lviv).

Subtleties of structure, technical characteristics, rules of operation of a mechanical roller, soil tamping schemes, norms of consumption of fuel and lubricant materials and not only must be known by a mechanic of a mechanical roller who is guaranteed an official job with an income of 25 thousand UAH in Lviv. The same payment is offered to agronomists (Sambir), motor vehicle drivers (Lviv, Pustomyty) and design engineers (Pustomyty).

From 20 to 24 thousand UAH can be earned in Radehov by a software engineer, in Lviv – a chief engineer in production, a shop foreman, an excavator driver or a brewer (without work experience, the requirement is to lift bags of malt weighing 45 kg, organized transportation of employees), in Pustomyty – thermal operators on automatic lines or an excavator operator, in Boryslav – a social manager, in Chervonograd – a foreman’s assistant (looms and knitting machines), in Busk – a tractor operator, in Brody and Radekhov – occupational safety engineers, in Kam Jantsi-Buzkyi – financial director. Health care institutions are looking for doctors of various profiles for the same salary in Chervonohrad, Zhovkva, Yavorov, Busk, Stary Sambor, Kamianets-Buzka and Lviv.

Department of organizational and informational work and archival affairs

Lviv Regional Employment Center

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