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Competition “All-Ukrainian Youth Water Prize 2023”: how to participate

The competition is open to all projects related to water topics and devoted to scientific, technical and social aspects of water use.

The All-Ukrainian Water Society WaterNet announces the start of accepting works for the “All-Ukrainian Junior Water Prize 2023” competition – the national stage of the “Stockholm Junior Water Prize” International Competition.

The competition is open to all projects related to water issues and dedicated to the scientific, technical and social aspects of water use – rational use of water, provision of high-quality drinking water to society, minimization of water consumption in all sectors of the national economy, preservation and improvement of water quality, water resources management , their protection, etc.

Competition criteria:

projects must have a research part (a description of the contestant’s experiments and observations) and a result part (a technical and innovative solution);
students of secondary schools, lyceums, colleges (except higher educational institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation) aged 15-20 can participate in the competition;
projects that participated in other competitions are allowed to participate;
defense of works in the national super final and the international final in Stockholm will take place in English.

To participate, it is necessary to fill out the application at the link and send the project electronically no later than 01.03.2023.

The package of documents and the procedure for the registration of competitive projects can be found in the Regulation on the Competition at the link.

Please note that the National Final of the “All-Ukrainian Junior Water Prize 2023” competition will be held on April 26-27, 2023 in an online format, and the winner of the competition will represent Ukraine at the international final of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, which will be held on August 20-24, 2023. .

More details about the competition “All-Ukrainian Youth Water Prize 2023” – here


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