The temporary special commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (TSK of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) on the protection of investors’ rights recognized the officials who in 2022 most helped to protect the rights of businesses
Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Investor Rights Protection, Halyna Yanchenko, presented thanks and certificates of the Verkhovna Rada to partners in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and other state authorities.
Thus, Stepan Kuybida, director of the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration, received a thank you from TSK for the protection of investors’ rights.
“For a significant personal contribution to the protection of business rights and the formation of a positive investment climate in Ukraine,” says the text of thanks.
“Lviv Oblast is the region where almost 30% of all relocated businesses moved (for comparison, Zakarpattia Oblast – 17.9%, Chernivtsi Oblast – 12.2%). A great credit for this goes to the chairman of the Ukrainian Central Economic Association Maksym Kozytskyi and the economic team of the Lviv Ukrainian Central Economic Association, who, firstly, launched a program of financial assistance to relocated enterprises, and secondly, took a direct part in the search for premises for relocation and helped to establish contacts and contracts with local and relocated manufacturers.” , – said the head of TSK Galina Yanchenko.
We will remind that since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than two hundred enterprises were relocated to Lviv Oblast with the assistance of the Department of Economic Policy of Lviv Oblast, of which more than 160 have started their activities. The number of relocated and newly created jobs is more than 4,000.