Про економіку

Electronic land auctions will be held in the Lviv region from next week

Land electronic auctions for the sale of lease rights for agricultural plots of communal ownership will be held on October 24.

The proposed sites are located on the territory of Buska Territorial Community (outside the settlement) of Zolochiv District:

the plot area is 14.10 hectares, the starting amount of the annual fee is UAH 14,653.59. More details at the link;
plot area – 1.90 hectares, starting amount of the annual fee – UAH 2,863.11. More details at the link;
the area of the site is 14.39 hectares, the starting amount of the annual fee is UAH 54,754.49. More details at the link;

The deadline for submitting price offers is until 8:00 p.m. October 23, 2023.

“Land electronic auctions open up new opportunities for farmers to expand their own land banks through the lease of communal land. Now it is enough to open the website of the electronic trading system and select the lot of interest. The system will show the date of the auction, the starting price of the lot, the organizer, and the contact details of the person responsible for the lot,” said Tetyana Hetman, director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Lviv Regional Military Administration.

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