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A study of the labor market in wartime conditions was conducted in Lviv region: main conclusions

More than three hundred enterprises took part in the online survey.

The NGO “Center for research and monitoring of the quality and mobility of human resources” conducted the study “Analysis of the gap and business needs in the workforce.” This is the first study of the labor market of Lviv Oblast under martial law. It is one of the components of the Project “Inclusive Labor Market to Create Jobs in Ukraine” of the International Labor Organization in cooperation with the Lviv Regional Employment Partnership “Oplich”.

310 enterprises (excluding budgetary institutions and banks) took part in the online survey. Conducted focus group interviews with employers and internally displaced persons.

The main conclusions of the study:

Peculiarities of personnel needs and problems of employers. In the conditions of martial law, almost 70% of employers experience the problem of labor shortages and gaps in their skills. Demand for labor occupations continues to dominate the labor market. The biggest shortage of workers is in the hotel and restaurant business (73% of respondents), industry (63%), transport industry (53%), construction (43%). Among the sought-after specialists with higher education are engineers, trade managers, accountants.

Economic integration of IDPs. Social and economic integration of internally displaced persons, in particular women with higher education, remains an urgent problem.

The share of unemployed women aged 50+ has increased.

Difficulties in hiring internally displaced persons mostly arise due to their uncertainty about their future place of stay, expectation of high wages, variable work schedule (12-hour shift), which is not always suitable for IDPs – women with children. The discrepancy between the expectations and motivations of IDPs and employers is one of the main factors of this problem. For its solution, it is critically important for each of the parties to realize the need to take a step towards balancing the interests of labor market participants.

Employee skills, gap analysis. Professional and functional skills of employees are the main priority for employers, regardless of the size of the enterprise.

The largest gaps are observed in the group of hard (professional-functional and professional-technical) skills of employees. In industry and agriculture, there is a noticeable gap in the skills of working with modern equipment.

The increased demand of employers for skills also related to the maximum orientation to the client’s needs, work with documents that ensure business safety and efficiency.

Social partnership and development potential. Large companies focus mostly on cooperation with educational institutions and training of personnel by their own forces, medium ones on cooperation with employment centers, small ones on using the resources of personnel portals. One of the means of bridging gaps in the skills of workers and business needs is the introduction of short-term partial qualification programs.

The results of the research will be the basis for the development of documents and decision-making related to solving the problem of the shortage of qualified labor in the Lviv region, the implementation of educational programs aimed at reducing the gap in the skills of employees.

Research Findings Report: Here


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