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In 2022, the total volume of local budgets of the Lviv Oblast reached 40 billion hryvnias

Оперативні підсумки виконання місцевих бюджетів області за 2022 рік

This indicator was achieved due to 109% implementation of tax and payment revenues (28.6 billion UAH), transfers received from the state budget (8.8 billion UAH), and own revenues of budget institutions (2.6 billion UAH).

Despite the difficult situation in the country, the local budgets of the Lviv region ensured uninterrupted financing of all priority expenditures on time and in full.

So, thanks to favorable factors and positive indicators of local budgets in the region, it was possible to spend more than UAH 34 billion with an increase of UAH 0.9 billion (3%) until 2021.

Over the course of the year, the deficit of funds for wages in the budgetary sphere was eliminated with own resources, the amount of which, taking into account the reduction of the educational subvention, amounted to more than UAH 900 million, and the full payment of wages to employees of budgetary institutions was ensured.

Traditionally, in the structure of expenditures of local budgets of Lviv Oblast, the largest share (54%) belongs to expenditures on wages – UAH 17.4 billion with an increase of 8% compared to the previous year.

In 2022, the highest dynamics of expenditure growth is observed for the payment of energy carriers and communal services – 31%, payment for goods and services – 26%.

In the conditions of martial law, the amount of capital expenditures significantly decreased. However, from the local budgets of individual territorial communities, it was possible to spend a lot of expenses on the development of territories. The leaders are Solonkivska territorial community – UAH 104 million (34% of the total expenditure), Yavorivska – UAH 229 million (28%), Slavska – UAH 76 million (28%), Pidberiztsivska – UAH 35 million (27%), of course Lviv community – UAH 3,189 million (27%) and the regional budget – UAH 1,142 million (22%).

Taking into account the state of war, expenses related to defense capability and protection of the population from emergency situations increased many times – almost 320 million UAH, energy saving measures – 86 million UAH or three times, protection of the population from emergency situations – 98 million UAH or twice.

At the same time, as Ivan Sobko, the deputy head of the Lviv OVA emphasized, the social orientation of budgets is maintained, and even strengthened.

“More than UAH 1.9 billion has been allocated to social protection and social security of the population, including internally displaced persons. Compared to the previous year, the volume of expenses increased by 20%.

UAH 2.0 billion (119%) was allocated for health care. In this industry, the component of capital expenditures is growing, primarily for the purchase of medical equipment, improving the conditions of patients’ stay (more than UAH 420 million was used).

Housing and communal services are also supported from local budgets, for which about 3 billion UAH are allocated (116% compared to the previous year),” said Ivan Sobko.

A significant resource is allocated to ensure an effective educational process. Industry expenses increased by 9% and amounted to 17.3 billion hryvnias. In order to improve the educational process, optimize the network of educational institutions and effectively use budget funds, the regional military administration purchased 51 school buses. In 2023, another 70 school buses are expected to be purchased.

“Despite the active hostilities in the east and south of our state this year, the financial system of the region also works without interruptions, the new budget year started on time. We believe that already this year we will catch up with everything we lost last year, we will fully finance development expenses, creating proper conditions for citizens in every area of our responsibility,” added the deputy head of the Lviv OVA.


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