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Construction of the bridge in Sokal continues – beams are currently being installed

Lviv bridge builders from Avtomagistral-Pivden demonstrate another master class on the installation of beams:


According to Avtomagistralnyi Pivden, a large number of infrastructure facilities across the country have exhausted their life and are in a state of disrepair.

As of today, the construction contractor has filled in the subgrade of the access roads, relocated all utilities, and installed supports, girders and all beams. Work is currently underway to form the slab overlay and tie the reinforcement cage.

To recap: In June 2023, a tender was announced for the reconstruction of the bridge crossing over the Western Bug River in Sokal.

A striking example is the bridge in Sokal, Lviv region (Sokal – Stoyaniv road), built in 1951. Four years ago, the facility was declared an emergency.

Two years ago, one of the pillars sagged, and a weight limit of 7 tonnes was imposed on freight traffic.

влашутвання балок на новому мості у Сокалі. Світлина - Автомагістраль Південь
Installation of beams on the new bridge in Sokal. Photo – Motorway South

As a reminder, in 2023, repairs to the bridge over the Western Bug River in Sokal began. The cost is UAH 357 million. The total cost of the works is UAH 357 million, e-procurement is available here.

The old bridge is crumbling before our eyes. That is why a new bridge is being built alongside the old one. We are currently completing the next stage – the installation of girders. Soon, we will start laying the monolithic slab.

We remind you that the new bridge will have the following parameters:

  • The number of traffic lanes is 2;
  • The lane width is 3.5 metres;
  • The design speed is 60 km/h;
  • The width of the sidewalks on the bridge is 2.5 metres;
  • The reconstruction site is 413.74 metres long;
  • The bridge is 130.03 metres long.

“In the near future, expansion joints will be installed, the carriageway and sidewalks will be poured with concrete.The construction contractor: Avtomagistral-Pivden LLC,” says Orest Shulikovsky, director of the LOVA Road Department.


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