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Updated map of problematic buildings launched in Lviv

The mayor’s office has developed an online map of problematic developments. Currently, about two dozen residential complexes in the Lviv community are marked with questions. The map contains information about problematic developments and explanations. Thus, the city warns people against buying apartments here until all the problems are resolved.

According to Liubomyr Zubach, Deputy Mayor of Lviv for Urban Development, there are a number of construction projects in the Lviv community that have not been completed or are not being completed for various reasons. This causes serious harm to the residents.

“There is more than one case where an apartment has been bought, money has been paid, but construction is not underway, or other cases where something has been built without the appropriate permits, taking advantage of the imperfections of the current legislation, and there are attempts to sell or resell it. That is why we decided to make a separate map of illegal and, let’s say, controversial developments so that residents are fully aware of where they can and cannot buy. We warn that the developments marked on this map are dubious and it is dangerous to buy anything there.

This does not mean that this map is static and will not change. On the contrary, we are working with those facilities to remove construction from this list, because people need it,” says Liubomyr Zubach.

The official explains that the city council becomes a platform for finding common ground in such problematic developments.

“The city has no legal leverage under the current urban planning legislation. But we work more as mediators. For example, we are now actively working with Rubicon, where construction has been delayed due to a corporate conflict and is not being carried out.

I really hope that in the near future the co-owners of this company will realise their responsibility to people first and foremost, because it is wartime and people’s money, and will stop their infighting, start completing the construction and give people their apartments,” said Liubomyr Zubach.

Once construction resumes, the properties may be removed from the map. Therefore, residents of Lviv and those wishing to buy a home in the city are advised to check the map before buying a property.

In 2017, the Lviv City Council already published an online map of illegal buildings in the city, which allowed residents to check the presence or absence of the necessary urban planning conditions and restrictions, or the compliance of the number of storeys or other parameters with the original data.

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