Про економіку

In Ukraine, they are implementing the “VidnovyDIM” Program: reconstruction of damaged houses

Local condominiums whose houses were damaged by the war are invited to participate in the restoration program.

For the implementation of projects to improve the energy efficiency of the residential sector in Ukraine, the “RenewalDIM” program of the “Energy Efficiency Fund” State University operates.

Its purpose is to finance construction works for the restoration of residential buildings of condominiums damaged as a result of the war that Russia waged against Ukraine.

The program provides an opportunity to receive irreversible financial assistance for the repair of multi-apartment buildings damaged as a result of hostilities.

The program is financed by the European Union.

Condominiums participating in it receive grants for the restoration of buildings – the full cost of works and materials.

Local condominiums whose houses were damaged by the war are invited to participate in the restoration program.

More detailed information at the link.


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