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Road Safety During Rain: Tips for Drivers

How to Drive Safely During Rain and Non-Functioning Traffic Lights

In the city, some traffic lights are temporarily out of order and there are adverse weather conditions: follow safety rules☝🏼

Tips for Drivers

  • Reduce speed: rain decreases visibility and makes the road surface slippery.
  • Maintain a safe distance: the braking distance increases, especially on wet roads.
  • Be cautious at intersections: if the traffic light isn’t working, priority rules apply: yield if you are not on the main road.
  • If there is a traffic controller at the intersection: follow their signals, as they take precedence over road signs and intersection crossing rules.
  • At equal intersections: follow the ‘right-hand rule’ — give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
  • Pay attention to pedestrians: they may be less visible due to the rain.
  • Turn on low beam headlights: this will help you see the road better and be more visible to others.
  • Avoid sharp maneuvers: brake smoothly, avoid sudden turns to maintain control.

Be attentive, take care of yourself and other road users!

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