During the week, communities of Lviv Oblast can submit documents for the competition “Development of the Network of Youth Centers and Spaces in Lviv Oblast”.
According to the results of the competition, 15 youth centers in the communities of the region will receive funding for the development of youth centers in the amount of 400 thousand hryvnias each.
“The main part of the financing for the implementation of this ambitious project is provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund and the German government. From February to the beginning of May, we met with the heads of communities of the region and conveyed the idea of the importance of creating modern centers for youth. Our vision is this – by creating such institutions, hiring young people there who will only work with young people, at the same time turning the center into a full-fledged center for working with young people, we promote the maximum involvement of young people in the life of the community and the region. Greater participation of young people means greater interest in their personal development and development of the community, they will feel that their knowledge, abilities, skills, and they, as individuals, are needed and important for the sustainable development of the region. The arrival of new young views, methods, and approaches to working with young people in the field will mean in the long run the solution of a large number of social problems that we have in the region,” said the Acting Director. Director of the Lviv Regional Youth Center, Ivan Sapsa.
In particular, since February, specialists of the Lviv Regional Youth Center together with representatives of the Youth and Sports Department of the Lviv OVA visited 26 communities. About 20 communities are already in the process of submitting all the necessary documents to participate in the competition.
The project “Development of the network of youth centers and spaces in the Lviv region” is implemented by the Lviv Regional Youth Center with the support of the Youth and Sports Department of the Lviv Regional State within the framework of the program implemented by the Greenhouse Initiative Platform with the financial support of UNICEF Ukraine and the Government of Germany through the German State Development Bank KFW .