Wet wipes, ear sticks, rags, means of personal protection (masks) and hygiene products enter the sewer every day and settle on the grates of the mechanical wastewater treatment of the Lvivvodokanal sewage treatment plant. Yes, already in 5 months of this year, the company eliminated almost 800 blockages on the street network due to clogging with garbage. Therefore, Lvivvodokanal persistently asks citizens to be responsible and not to throw hygiene products, solid and food waste into the sewers.
“We constantly emphasize that sewage is not a garbage dump. Do not confuse their purpose. Unfortunately, every day, napkins, rags, hygiene products and other fibrous garbage enter the network and become entangled in “braids”, which additionally stick to fat, suspended substances, and these “garbage islands” clog networks, disable equipment, and also cause accidents.
Therefore, we once again remind all residents and guests of Lviv that according to the rules for using the sewage system, it is prohibited to dump any waste that does not dissolve in water!”
Thus, in 2022, employees of LMKP “Lvivvodokanal” eliminated 1,940 blockages in the street network. This is an average of more than five cases per day. And already in 5 months of this year, 798 blockages were eliminated.
Therefore, LMKP “Lvivvodokanal” asks Lviv residents to follow the rules for using sewage:
always separate solid waste and dispose of it separately from liquid waste;
do not throw food waste into the sewage system;
do not pour fats that accumulate on the walls of pipes, gradually narrowing their diameter, into toilets and sinks;
do not pour combustible substances into the sewer;
sand, stones and other construction materials should not enter the sewer riser;
do not throw personal hygiene products, rags, plastic bags and other household waste into the sewer;
do not be lazy to take out the garbage in the places designated for this, and not in the nearest open rain receiver.
We remind you that LMKP “Lvivvodokanal” provides repair and maintenance of the street sewage network. If the sewage blockage happened inside the house, in the basement or on the house annex, then the residents should contact the management company, condominium or apartment building or the emergency dispatching services of the city.
In particular, the following contacts may be useful:
LKP “RAP”: 275 54 16;
LKP “Gospodar” Lychakivska RA: 295 92 82;
LKP “RAS” Zaliznychna RA: 233 20 16;
LKP “Emergency Service of FRA” Frankivska RA: 263 25 61;
LKP “TRAP” Shevchenkivska RA: 252 10 37.