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Emergency power outages were introduced in Lviv Oblast

They were introduced by order of NEC “Ukrenergo” due to exceeding the consumption limit.

This was announced by the head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration Maksym Kozytskyi.

“The situation is difficult, because even before the emergency shutdown, only half of the residents of the region could use electricity at the same time. Now it is even more difficult. I understand everyone’s anger and despair. Energy engineers are working to improve the situation. We have to get through this period,” said the head of Lviv Oblast.

You can find out your group in the schedule of hourly shutdowns at this link: https://poweroff.loe.lviv.ua/gav_city3

Emergency shutdowns are introduced immediately by the order of the “Ukrenergo” dispatcher when there is a power deficit in the state power system and continue until the next appropriate order of the “Ukrenergo” dispatcher. In this case, it is impossible to predict the duration of the outage.

We ask that you understand the situation that has developed, keep calm and take care of yourself and your relatives. Let’s hold on!

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