Traffic on this stretch is complicated, law enforcement officers ask drivers to use other roads.
As a result of heavy rains and a storm, the village of Skhidnytsia was partially flooded, as a result of which the highways were blocked on both sides of the settlement. Police ask drivers to take this into account when planning their route.
On June 10, around 6:30 p.m., due to the passage of heavy precipitation in the form of rain, the Skhidnychanka River overflowed its banks, resulting in partial flooding of villages. Skhidnytsia Drohobytsky district.
Yes, traffic from Skhidnytsia to Stariy Kropyvnyk is blocked – a detour through Zalokot. On the other side of Skhidnytsia, the road to the village of Urych of the Stryi District was blocked. Traffic in problem areas is regulated, law enforcement officers provide drivers with the necessary assistance. If you get into a difficult situation on the road, call the emergency line 102.
As reported by the State Emergency Service on June 10 at 18:01 in the village of Skhidnytsia, Drohobytsky district, as a result of worsening weather conditions (heavy rains and mountain water runoff), the Skhidnychanka River overflowed and flooded 6 streets, about 100 residential buildings, 10 hotels, 11 shops, 5 local bridges were damaged, and 15 cars were flooded.
45 people (including 8 children) were rescued from flooded areas by units of the State Emergency Service, and 1 person was assisted in transportation.
Water was pumped from 16 households (12 cubic meters).
91 people and 18 units of special equipment, including 2 “Bohun” snowmobiles and 10 watercraft, were involved in the work to eliminate the consequences of the natural disaster.
Rescue operations are ongoing.