According to the Lviv Regional Center for Hydrometeorology of Ukraine, a thunderstorm occurred on the territory of the Lviv region on August 11, during the afternoon a squall of 15–20 m/s, hail.
The main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Lviv region appeals to the population with a warning to be attentive and careful during worsening weather conditions:
☔️during a thunderstorm, if you are at home, close all windows and doors, there should be no drafts in the room, stay away from electrical appliances.
☔️if bad weather finds you outside, try not to walk under the eaves of buildings, and also stay away from sprawling trees, billboards and power lines.
☔️avoid metal fences, walls near which trees grow, street lamps, metal towers, power poles.
☔️don’t hide from the downpour under a tree: it attracts lightning. In addition, there is a danger of falling heavy branches that can break from gusts of wind.
☔️if a thunderstorm has caught you in a car, you do not need to leave it, you need to close the windows and lower the car antenna. In no case can the car be parked under trees or high structures.
We ask you to take responsibility for your own life and the lives of your relatives and, in case of danger, call the Rescue Service “101”.