In the case of illegal construction on the street. Promyslova, 60 in Lviv can finally be put to rest. The Lviv District Administrative Court ordered the developer to dismantle the third floor of the shopping and office center.
It is about the construction of a shopping and office center, the construction permit for which the entrepreneur received six years ago. According to urban planning conditions and restrictions, it was supposed to be a two-story building. Instead, the developer built three full floors, which were recorded by the city Inspectorate of State Architectural and Building Control during the inspection.
Years of inspections, court hearings, fines for the customer and the general contractor, orders to eliminate violations and stop construction work have not affected the developer. The court put an end to the case. Since during the war, the city DABK was limited in its powers, efforts were combined with the regional prosecutor’s office. The court satisfied the claim of the Galician district prosecutor’s office of the city of Lviv in the interests of the state, represented by the State Architectural and Construction Control Inspection, to bring the object into compliance with urban planning conditions and restrictions.
Therefore, the developer has 10 days to dismantle the extra third floor. According to the statement of the Galician district prosecutor’s office, at the end of April, the Shevchenkiv department of the state executive service in the city of Lviv opened an executive proceeding, which obliges to bring the construction object into compliance with urban planning conditions and restrictions. If the entrepreneur does not do this voluntarily, he faces fines and a criminal case.