To build more than half a kilometer of the road at its own expense – the investor, the development company “Marvel Development”, undertook to start the construction of housing in the microdistrict of the street. Chinese-Pasichka.
As Lyubomir Zubach, deputy mayor of Lviv for urban planning, reported, the developer keeps his word, and half of the road is already concreted.
“The work is ongoing. The built road will be connected to the current Kytaiska Street and will actually circle it with Pasichnaya Street.
Specialists will still develop a traffic management scheme here, but there will definitely be two traffic lanes, a sidewalk, and possibly a bike path. The road surface will be paved with cobblestones.
Builders, take an example. Fulfilled social obligations to the city are real and worthy. And the most important thing is respect from the city, the people of Lviv. After all, if we speak in the language of pragmatism, this is the capitalization of your business,” said Ljubomyr Zubach, deputy mayor for urban planning.