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Agrometeorological Review: Temperature and Precipitation Changes in March

March: From a Warm First Half to a Cool Second Half

The first half of the second decade of March, which turned out to be very warm, abruptly shifted to a cool second half. The average decadal air temperature across the plains was 4.5 – 5.6°C, in the mountains 3.2 – 5.0°C, which is 2 – 3° above normal. The maximum air temperature was 17 – 19°C, and the minimum temperature dropped to 6 – 10°C below zero.

Humidity and Precipitation

The decade was humid, with precipitation amounts on the plains ranging from 22 – 39 mm, which constitutes 121 – 279% of the decadal norm.

Impact on Vegetation

High air temperatures contributed to the resumption of vegetation in wintering crops, but due to significant cooling at the end of the decade, they ceased vegetation.

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