Combatants have the right to all types of legal services from the system of free legal aid: from consultations to representation of interests in court. These people can get help from staff lawyers of free legal aid centers or lawyers cooperating with the BPD system, for example, for:
– challenging the actions or inaction of a military unit, authorities;
– registration or recalculation of pension, other social payments and benefits;
– correction of errors in charges for communal services;
– resolving family issues: alimony, divorce, inheritance;
– solving other legal problems, including in court.
At the same time, servicemen who do not have UBD status can apply to the BPD system for primary legal assistance: consultations, clarifications, assistance in drawing up documents, except documents for court appeals.
To receive a verbal consultation, call the contact center of the BPD system at the number: 0 800 213 103. Calls from landline and mobile phones within Ukraine are free.
The contact center is open on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Calls from the Telegram mobile application are also free: https://t.me/+380677213103
If it is convenient for you to receive legal aid in writing, write to the Telegram bot https://t.me/LegalAidUkraineBot Or contact the nearest legal aid office: https://bit.ly/bpd_buro
If you need help applying to the court (help with filing an application, representation of interests in court), visit the nearest legal aid office and submit the following documents: an application (they will help you write it at the office), a passport or other identity document, a registration number taxpayer’s registration card, ID card of a participant in hostilities (identity card with a disability as a result of the war). An application for the provision of free secondary legal aid can also be submitted online.
How to do it in the instructions: https://legalaid.gov.ua/elektronne-zvernennya/