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From where cars are most often taken to the detention center in Lviv: top 6 locations

In Lviv, since the beginning of the year, 3,289 cars have been evacuated to the detention center for improper parking. The security department of the LMR named the top 6 locations, both in the historical part of the city and outside its borders, from where tow trucks most often pick up cars. This street Havryshkevycha, str. Vinnichenko, square Petrushevicha, square Stary Rynok, str. Heroiv UPA, 80 (public transport stop), str. Kn. Olga, 98a,b (bicycle path) and the intersection of I.Franka-Kozelnytska streets.

The city’s security department notes that those cars parked with a significant violation of traffic rules are evacuated to the detention center as a priority. In particular, if they obstruct or make impossible the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians.

We remind you that you can check whether the car is at the detention center on the website of the security department.

In order to return the evacuated car, the owner must pay UAH 2,234 for the services of a tow truck, another UAH 140 for one day of car storage at the site.

In general, this year in Lviv, parking inspectors issued more than 106,000 fines for violations of parking rules for a total of UAH 39.6 million. As of May 17, UAH 31.2 million has already been paid to the city budget.

The city directs funds from paying fines for improper parking, in particular, to the needs of our military.

The Lviv City Council strongly urges drivers not to park their cars in violation of traffic rules, in particular, under the signs “stopping is prohibited”, “parking is prohibited”, at intersections. Chaotic parking complicates road traffic, as well as, in the conditions of martial law, the passage of special vehicles, which ensure the life of the city and help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The list of parking lots is on the Lviv Geoportal.

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