In Yavoriv Oblast, 57% of schools will study in the face-to-face format
There are 97 institutions of general secondary education and 15 branches in the Yavoriv district. Of these, 64 educational institutions will study on a full-time basis.
32 institutions – 29% will study in a mixed form, and 16 educational institutions, which is 14% – distance learning, because they do not have shelters either inside or near the building.
Educational institutions of the Novoyavoriv community mainly chose a mixed format for conducting the educational process, 13 out of 16 schools will work in a mixed format, 2-distance, 1- face-to-face.
Due to the lack of shelter, four general secondary education institutions and 5 branches of the Ivano-Frankivsk community will work remotely.
The largest number of educational institutions of the Yavoriv community chose the full-time form of education, namely: 25 schools will study full-time, 11 – mixed form, 4 – distance learning.
232 internally displaced children will join the educational process in Yavoriv Oblast.
I would like to add that Lviv Oblast is the first in Ukraine in terms of the state of preparation of educational institutions before the beginning of the school year. 3 million 400 thousand hryvnias were allocated from the regional budget for the repair of shelters in schools.
Children are our future and they should get quality education in safe conditions. Because the safety and life of children is the most important thing.
Head of Yavorivska RVA, Yaroslav Kominskyi