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An outdoor swimming pool will be installed at the Lviv School No. 67 on Levandivka

Today, on January 6, at a meeting of the executive committee of the LMR, urban planning conditions and restrictions were approved for the design of the construction object for the reconstruction of the heating system of SZSh No. 67 with the use of alternative types of fuel and the arrangement of sports facilities at the address of the street. Syavo, 18.

“We plan to implement heat pump technology in the centralized heat supply system this year – a heat pump. Currently, we want to do this on the basis of one school, which is currently heated by a small modular boiler room that uses natural gas.

Considering the current situation and the war, we want the school not to use natural gas, but ground heat pump technology – thanks to deep wells, to get heat from the ground. Such a pumping installation will allow year-round heat from the soil. And so, this will allow us to make an outdoor swimming pool near the school, which will be heated and will be able to function even in winter.

Before that, we made heat pumps in our boiler rooms, but these are heat pumps that remove heat from the air, and therefore work efficiently only in summer. Instead, this is the first case when we want to use ground heat pump technology at a communal facility,” explained Oleksandr Odinets, director of the housing and infrastructure department.

He added that project and estimate documentation is currently being developed.

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