A holiday that the whole world celebrates, because everyone has the same problem.
We all know “Forests are the lungs of the planet.” But unfortunately, during the last 30 years, the area of “these lungs” has decreased by 178 million hectares, which is almost three times the area of Ukraine
The holiday was created not only to draw attention to the problem of deforestation, but also to take active actions to restore forest lands.
The 2023 Day of Forests is held under the slogan “Forests and Health”, which calls for giving, not just taking, recognizing that healthy forests bring healthy people.
The thought “what can I do myself”, “I don’t cut down the forest”, “I don’t go to the forest at all” comes to mind. But the forest is present in our lives every minute. To protect it, you can take a few simple steps that everyone can do:
🌳 give up paper cups for coffee (buy a reusable thermal cup).
Approximately 16 billion paper cups are used annually, for the production of which 6.5 billion trees are cut down and 15 billion liters of water are used.
🌳 refuse receipts in stores (they cannot be recycled);
🌳 refuse paper towels – choose fabric ones;
🌳 buy toilet paper from recycled paper;
🌳 give preference to electronic document management, invoices and statements;
🌳print on both sides of the paper (one sheet of paper is used for about 19 minutes, and for its production, 4 billion trees are cut down in the world every year and three times more greenhouse gases are emitted than from all the aviation in the world);
🌳hand over waste paper for recycling (1 ton of paper handed over for recycling prevents the felling of 10-17 trees, saves 20 thousand liters of clean water and 1000 kilowatts of electricity).
These are just a few simple rules that everyone can do, but they will help preserve forests for future generations. Go to the forest, admire it, fill yourself with strength and energy, but with reason. The forest is beautiful at any time of the year.