On 28 May, Ukraine celebrates the 28th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution, the fundamental law of Ukraine. The Constitution is not only the most important law of the state, but also a moral guideline for every conscious citizen of our country, which legally enshrines the civilisational choice of the people, which has remained unchanged for centuries – about freedom, liberty, honour and dignity. Unfortunately, since 2014, Ukrainians, just like hundreds of years ago, have been forced to fight again for their territorial integrity and freedom.
A prayer service and assembly was held in Drohobych on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the Constitution Day of Ukraine. The event brought together representatives of the authorities, clergy, deputies and conscious community members.
The patriotic event began with the Ukrainian national anthem performed by the chamber orchestra of Drohobych Children’s Music School No. 1. Afterwards, the children of fallen Ukrainian soldiers Zakhariy Vovkiv and Diana Andrukhiv presented a model of the Constitution of Ukraine specially made for the event.
According to Lesia Tatarska, head of the Department of Culture and Arts, the wooden model of the Constitution (70×50) was made one-to-one with the Constitution that is located in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and on which the first men took the oath of office. Talented students of the Drohobych Art School were involved in the design of the Constitution mock-up. The production of the Constitution was assisted by the Karpaty company.
The right to raise the flag at the patriotic event was also granted to the children of the community’s fallen soldiers, Maksym Tkach and Veronika Shuklin.
A prayer service for peace in Ukraine and for the protection of the Mother of God for all the soldiers who are courageously defending our borders today was held by the fathers of the UGCC.
According to Father Dmytro, today all conscious Ukrainians celebrate a great holiday of freedom and dignity.
As Uliana Voyat, the host of the event, noted in her opening remarks, Drohobych region has a great deal to do with the creation of the highest law of Ukraine. After all, one of the authors of the Constitution of the Ukrainian People’s Republic was Father Platonid Filyas, who lived in our city for a certain period of time. As an active member of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, Father Platonid worked on the draft Constitution and co-authored the Law on Elections to the Sejm of the Ukrainian People’s Republic.
Today, Ukraine is proud not only of the reputable historical figures of our land, but also of the newest Heroes who are fighting for our freedom. In honour of all the soldiers who are defending the Ukrainian state with arms, the Verkhovynka Folk Dance Ensemble choreographed by Bohdana Kos performed the song “Titanic Men”. Oleg Slyvara, a soldier who lost a limb at the frontline, performed the number with other participants.
The event ended with the Spiritual Anthem of Ukraine – “God, the Great, the One”.
The participants then laid lamps on the grave of Platonid Filyas and installed a model of the Constitution in the walls of the Drohobych City Council.
It should be noted that the patriotic assembly was organised by the Department of Culture and Tourism Development of the DGMR;