Lviv continues the tradition of congratulating the city’s long-livers who have celebrated their 100th birthday. In June, three long-lived women and two long-lived men celebrated their birthdays.
Representatives of the City Department of Social Protection congratulated the jubilarians and handed over assistance in the amount of UAH 10 thousand to each of them.
Olena Rybalko, the oldest resident of Lviv, was the first to celebrate her 107th birthday. Later, Vladimir Gurnov celebrated his centenary, while Yosyfia Smetanyak and Anatoly Akhov marked their 101st birthdays. And Yefrosynia Tarasova accepted congratulations on her 102nd birthday.
In the first half of 2024, 26 residents of the Lvivska Hromada have already celebrated their 100th birthday. As every year, representatives of the city authorities congratulate all the anniversaries on behalf of the community. Traditionally, long-livers who celebrate their centenary receive a one-time financial assistance of UAH 10,000, a commemorative coin and a congratulatory letter from the mayor. Those who celebrate 101 years and more receive UAH 10,000.
By the way, the tradition of congratulating long-livers in Lviv has been going on for over 15 years.