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Construction work on the 3D school on Varshavska Street to be resumed

The walls of the additional educational building of secondary school No. 23 were built using 3D printing technology. After that, the work was suspended.

Now the city has found an investor, so the construction of the school on Varshavska Street will resume. This was announced by Lubomyr Zubach, Deputy Mayor of Lviv for Urban Development.

Officials of the Lviv City Council held an offsite meeting at the construction site and planned further work.

“For some time, this project was frozen due to the outbreak of war and the insolvency of the benefactor who initiated the financing of this project, so construction work was stopped for some time. Now we have found another investor. What is started must be finished.

Yesterday we held an offsite meeting. We clearly planned the next steps that we need to take to implement the project. This includes updating the estimate, and the issue of networks needs to be resolved.
We have a permit for construction work. We also have an investor who is ready to finance this project in a certain part, so we are preparing an action plan, and next week we will meet again, approve it and move forward,” said Liubomyr Zubach.

Galzhytlobud is ready to invest in the construction of the school. An official letter was sent to the Lviv City Council.

“I am pleased that more and more developers in Lviv are moving in the direction of cooperation with the city and social responsibility and understand that part of the earned funds should be invested in the development of social infrastructure. The situation is such that the city invests the vast majority of its funds in support of the Armed Forces, healthcare and inclusiveness. So, many thanks to the entrepreneurs for their help. We will use these funds to complete the projects we have started. Failure to complete means mismanagement and lost money, so we have to complete it,” added Liubomyr Zubach.

As a reminder, the first educational institution in Ukraine to be built using 3D printing technology is being constructed in Lviv. It will be a new classroom building for first-graders at School No. 23 at 126 Varshavska Street. It will accommodate 100 primary school students. This one-storey facility will have classrooms, a comfortable hall for children to socialise, a teacher’s room and bathrooms. It will also feature large glass surfaces, and the monolithic concrete walls will meet new safety standards.

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