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Lviv main railway station to be the first fully barrier-free in Ukraine


Lviv Main Railway Station will become the first fully barrier-free railway station in Ukraine. This idea was presented today.

This was announced by the head of the Lviv region, Maksym Kozytskyi.

The entrance will be made more accessible. The high platforms will be rebuilt and lifts will be installed to allow people with limited mobility to get to the trains without hindrance. New rest rooms will be created, and the tunnels will be restored.

Currently, together with experts, they are developing a project concept to do everything correctly and are looking for funding. Ukrzaliznytsia hopes to attract grant funds to implement the idea. The implementation is expected to take 3 to 5 years. It will take place in several stages so that the station does not stop receiving passengers.

This project is very important, and it is important to implement it right now because the Lviv railway station is the second busiest in Ukraine. It is the gateway to the Lviv region, and internally displaced people, including people with disabilities and the elderly, who need additional assistance, arrive through it every day, so our volunteers Medical and Psychological Assistance ️ Volunteer Community ️ have to make great efforts to meet and guide them around the territory. Pregnant women, parents with small children, our soldiers come for treatment and rehabilitation. International flights arrive. For the comfort of all people, the station should be barrier-free.

“I am grateful to the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska, who for the first time in more than 30 years has raised the issue of barrier-free access at the national level. We want Lviv region to truly become a region of equal opportunities for all. A year ago, we approved the regional action plan for the implementation of the National Strategy for Creating a Barrier-Free Space, and we have already begun to implement it. We thank our soldiers for the state. We thank our volunteers for taking care of the most vulnerable people. I thank our railway and its courageous people who, despite the enormous threat, continue to operate daily, including in the regions under targeted shelling,” said the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

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