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The city resumed inspection of Lviv swimming pools

The water quality in Lviv swimming pools was checked. Employees of the chemical laboratory of the municipal enterprise Administrative and Technical Management took seven water samples in Lviv swimming pools and shared the results of the survey. From now on, such studies will be conducted every two weeks in the city.

The study was carried out according to 11 indicators. The following parameters were measured: hydrogen pH, iron, ammonium nitrogen and ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, chlorides, total hardness, dry residue, residual chlorine, odour and temperature.

The water was examined in the following swimming pools: the summer sports training centre of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (open and indoor pools), the Dynamo Sports Palace, the Three Elements Health Centre (25 m and 50 m pools), the UNIFORCE fitness complex, and the Dolphin swimming pool.

The survey revealed a slight excess of chloride in one of these pools.

“According to the results of the analyses, it is obvious that the water in the pools does not exceed the specified standards. Only a slight exceedance of chloride is found in the SKA pool, but it is not harmful to human health,” said Anastasia Kryvulya, acting head of the laboratory at the Administrative and Technical Management utility company.

By the way, the inspection was also supposed to take place in the Sport Life pools and the Beach Water Park, but their administration did not allow the laboratory’s specialists to conduct the study.

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