In the villages of Rykhtychi, Mykhaylevichi, Ranevichi and Stupnytsia, the streets of Peace and Victory were renamed
The session of the Drogobytsk City Council renamed four more streets – Myra and Peremoha. The decision was made yesterday, March 28, during the regular meeting of the session, based on the recommendations of the special commission on de-Russification.
We are talking about the streets of Peace and Victory in the villages of Rykhtychi, Mykhaylevichi, Stupnytsia and Ranevichi.
In accordance with the adopted decision, it was renamed:
– Myru Street in the village of Rykhtychi – to Zahysnyky Ukrainy Street
– Myra Street in the village of Mykhaylevichi – to Kutna Street
– Peremohy Street in the village of Stupnytsia – to Ivan Franko Street
– Myru Street in the village of Ranevichi – to Lubomyr Huzar Street.
Peremogy Street in the village of Mykhaylevich remains the last in the community. The commission recommended renaming it to Obshirna Street – this is the name chosen by the village community.
However, according to deputy Maria Stetsyk, the toponym “obshirna” needs to be studied from the point of view of the correctness of the stylistic wording and compliance with the norms of Ukrainian spelling. Therefore, the renaming of this street was temporarily postponed.
We remind you that decisions on renaming streets in the community are made in compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Condemnation of Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes in Ukraine and Prohibition of Propaganda of Their Symbols.”
According to the clarifications received from LOVA, the toponyms “Mir” and “Victory” were important for Soviet propaganda and are subject to renaming. The official letter also states that if a decision is not made on renaming streets or other objects of the toponymy of settlements by April 27, 2024, such renaming will be carried out by order of the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration.